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A Fourth of July Reflection on America's Intertwined Fate with Afghanistan

In the Shadows of Fireworks - Shattered Promises and Shared Pain Between Two Nations

BY KUMAYL NAZARY | July 4, 2023 | kumayl@wearenrf.org | @knazary

A soldier returns from distant shores, reflecting the interplay of Fourth of July celebrations.

Los Angeles, California - On this Fourth of July, as the United States basks in the glory of its independence, there's a somber undertone to the joyous celebrations. We, the American people, are not to blame for the gloom that overshadows our festivity. The fault lies in the corridors of power that neglected our responsibilities and violated our commitments. We must cast our gaze away from the superficial revelry, and into the barren mountains of Afghanistan—where our destinies intertwine.

Standing at the crossroads of two nations—America, my home, and Afghanistan, my motherland—I am more than moved by the intertwining narratives of sorrow and fortitude. As the son of immigrants from Afghanistan who carved their own American Dream, I bear witness to the struggles endured by those navigating the intersections of cultures and histories.

The Fourth of July was intended to be a celebration of the spirit that is quintessentially American—a celebration of the ideals of liberty, unity, and the promise of a better future. And yet, in the backdrop of this year's celebration, there lingers an unpleasant memory of a disastrous fiasco that unfolded half a world away. A spectacle that left the bitter taste of betrayal in the mouths of many.

Our celebrations today stand in stark contrast to the catastrophe in Kabul that unfolded nearly two years ago. The hasty retreat under the Biden administration, complete with its calamitous mismanagement, continues to cast a long, disturbing shadow over our nation. The incompetence and duplicity of this administration have left an indelible stain on our country's reputation, a stain that the people of Afghanistan perceive as blood-red.

The Afghanistan saga underscores the importance of careful decision-making. Rather than building upon the foundations laid by their predecessors, the Biden administration's choices contributed to the chaotic situation we see today. The consequences of their actions have left us pondering the grim realities and grappling with the repercussions. But the cost is not just reputational. It is the pain of loss that gnaws at our hearts. The 13 service members whose lives were abruptly extinguished due to reckless incompetence. The families left grappling with a void that can never be filled. The extinguished dreams and hopes.

Less tangible but equally haunting are the losses of trust, credibility, and the regret that continues to claw at our collective conscience. As we reflect on these losses, it's critical to move beyond emotional rhetoric and engage in a rational assessment of the situation.

In recalling the incredibly difficult past few days, I am reminded of former Vice President Mike Pence's words. Pence argued that had the Trump administration remained in power, they would have kept a small contingent of U.S. troops in Afghanistan to counteract the resurgence of terrorist elements. This view, juxtaposed with the chaotic withdrawal under the Biden administration, paints a stark contrast. Pence maintained that the Taliban had reneged on the terms of the Doha agreement. This, in his view, absolved the U.S. of its obligation to withdraw. His steadfast belief starkly contrasts with the disorderly retreat orchestrated by the Biden administration.

In the aftermath of the withdrawal, the blame game unfolded. But behind the veil of accusations and counter-accusations, the truth is laid bare: the failure of leadership. This leadership failure was not just a violation of commitment to Afghanistan, but also to the American people.

Indeed, the negotiations with the Taliban, commenced under the auspices of the Trump administration, were anything but straightforward. Dressed up as diplomacy, these clandestine talks were more akin to a backroom deal, with attendees drawn from an unsavory circle that included Ashraf Ghani and his cronies, the Taliban terrorists, Zalmay Khalilzad—the de facto voice of the Taliban within the U.S., and the Trump administration itself.

However, the most vital stakeholders—the people of Afghanistan and America, our military—the U.S. forces, their loved ones at home, and Afghanistan's former National Defense and Security Forces (ANDSF)—were conspicuously absent from this hushed charade. Their futures, hopes, and intertwined destinies were manipulated without their say, in obscure conclaves marked by deceit and betrayal. Behind the facade of diplomatic engagement, the cold mechanics of power politics played out, hidden from public scrutiny.

Despite this absence, the shadowy narratives do not necessarily reflect the former President’s intentions. One must remember that a leader is only as good as the information they receive. Trump's actions were based on skewed inputs, influenced by advisors such as Khalilzad and tainted reports from Ghani's republic. Furthermore, Former Vice President Pence's candid insights from a couple days ago, paints a contrasting picture. It suggests the existence of an alternative course—a path built on respect for those most affected by these negotiations.

It's crucial to separate critique of specific decisions from the larger strategic goals of ending a protracted conflict. The key question to ask is whether the current administration managed to successfully build upon the foundations laid by their predecessors, or whether they contributed to the chaotic situation we see today. This route was not merely overlooked; it was deliberately sidestepped by the Biden administration, leaving a trail of devastation and broken trust in its wake.

Today, as we Americans celebrate our independence, let's not forget our shared history with the people of Afghanistan. Their struggle, their sacrifices, and their hope for a better tomorrow. The fireworks that light up our sky tonight are but a stark contrast to the bullets and bombs that light up theirs.

The modernization and democratization chapter of Afghanistan may seem to have drawn to an untimely close, but as we navigate our course forward, we must not only learn from our past, we're compelled to confront the stark truths that have emerged from this tumult. We are duty-bound because, as citizens of this great nation, we hold the power and the responsibility to shape our democracy. The ideals that we hold dear—justice, freedom, the pursuit of truth—require us to demand accountability from those who lead us. This accountability is not a choice, but an imperative. It is born from the foundational belief that every action has consequences and that leaders should bear the burden of their decisions, especially when those decisions result in devastating outcomes for the most vulnerable among us.

Carrying this burden is just the beginning. To hold the Biden administration accountable for the catastrophic aftermath of their botched withdrawal, we must insist on tangible actions. First, we demand a more comprehensive, bipartisan investigation into the handling of the Afghanistan withdrawal. Such an inquiry should include testimony from key decision-makers, a detailed timeline of events, and a thorough analysis of the intelligence and advice that informed these decisions. Moreover, we must ensure that those found responsible face the consequences of their actions, be it through sanctions, resignations, or legal proceedings.

Beyond this, we need reforms. The shocking failures in Afghanistan highlight the urgent need for change. Learning from this debacle means putting in place policies and procedures to prevent such a catastrophe from happening again. This could involve strengthening congressional oversight of foreign policy decisions, improving intelligence capabilities, or re-evaluating our approach to nation-building.

We, the American people, must stay informed and engaged. We must continually question our leaders, demand transparency, and insist on truth. After all, our democracy is only as strong as our commitment to uphold it. By demanding accountability, we affirm our dedication to the ideals upon which our nation was built, ensuring a stronger future for all.

Let this Independence Day be transformed into a moment of profound introspection, a beacon of understanding. Today, we Americans must not only bask in the revelry but also stand united with our allies and brethren in Afghanistan— not the terrorists we fought alongside one another with. Their tales are our tales, their struggles echo in our hearts, and their dreams intertwine with ours. This is our interwoven heritage. This is our shared responsibility. This is the story of two nations, entwined, forever etched in the annals of history.

To my fellow Americans who resonate with these sentiments, and to the resilient people of Afghanistan who have endured unspeakable hardships, I extend my deepest empathy and unwavering solidarity. The harsh realities are indeed daunting, and the sting of treachery is piercing. Yet, we must recall that our nations have navigated stormy seas before. The power to change our course, to steer our ship towards brighter horizons, is firmly in our grasp.

As we illuminate our skies with pyrotechnics this Fourth of July, let us simultaneously ignite the flame of change within us. Let us demand a leadership that personifies the unwavering courage and foundational principles that erected our nation. Let us strive, unyieldingly, to ensure our future Independence Days aren't laced with bitterness but brim with the jubilation of a nation true to its promises—a nation we can all proudly call home.

To every American whose heartstrings vibrate in unison with these sentiments, I extend a sincere Fourth of July greeting. As for those steering the Biden administration, today's celebration stands as a glaring testament of the values and principles you've egregiously sidelined. Independence Day lauds the very pillars that prop up our great nation—strength, liberty, and the pursuit of justice. Your administration may have negligently tossed these aside, but the real American spirit, resilient as ever, hasn't. And it never will. So, here's to a truly Independence Day. To a future where the “lessons learned” from Afghanistan illuminate our path, and the echoes of the unfulfilled promises become the chants for change and accountability.

We, the people, remember. And come Fourth of July, 2025 our sky will be lit not only by the fireworks but also by the spark of a nation reborn in its truest ideals.

Happy Independence Day, America. Always and forever.