A Nation's Fight for Freedom

The Struggle Against Terrorism

Note: This article was written by Maher Saadat in May, 2023. While the events mentioned may have evolved since then, the core message is even more pertinent today.

July 10, 2023 - Two decades after Ahmad Shah Massoud's warnings about the perils of extremism and the global impact of terrorism, his son, Ahmad Massoud, is now amplifying this message. In a recent address at the Austrian parliament, he called on the international community to recognize the imminent dangers of this extremist landscape. We saw the devastating loss of life that occurred when his father’s warnings went unheeded, leading to the tragedy of 9/11. Now, we have the collective power to alter this course and prevent another catastrophic terrorist attack, if only there is the will.

The collapse of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan has resulted in a power shift back to the Taliban, the same individuals who harbored Osama Bin Laden. The Taliban have been successful in duping the international community, falsely claiming to have severed ties with Al-Qaida and other terrorist allies. The truth, however, is far more chilling. More than 21 terrorist groups are currently active within Afghanistan under the Taliban's protection. These groups include notorious entities such as Al-Qaeda, the East Turkestan Movement, Ansarullah-Tajikstan, Uzbekistan Islamic Movement, Boko Haram, and Lashkar-e-Taiba. Adding to this precarious state of affairs, Osama Bin Laden's son now spearheads a burgeoning training camp in the volatile southern regions of Afghanistan. This alarming development sees an influx of new recruits, intensifying the aura of uncertainty and escalating the potential threat.

Amidst this chaotic backdrop, Ahmad Massoud emerges as a beacon of hope, fighting against the oppressive Taliban regime and its extremist ideologies. As the leader of the National Resistance Front of Afghanistan, Massoud is at the forefront of the battle against extremist ideologies responsible for unimaginable atrocities carried out under the banners of ‘Islam’ and ‘Jihad.’

The NRF, a coalition of several thousand fighters, including former members of Afghanistan’s National Defence and Security Forces (ANDSF) trained by NATO and the US, operates across 12 provinces of Afghanistan. This organization provides a unified front, standing in resistance to the Taliban's rule and campaigning for a return to democratic governance.

Since the Taliban's resurgence in late 2021, various terrorist organizations have celebrated their victory, pledging an unwavering commitment to a continued ‘holy war.’ This global praise for the Taliban's rule underscores the precarious situation Afghanistan finds itself in. The triumph of extremism and terrorism in Afghanistan has deep repercussions, not just for the people of Afghanistan, who continue to endure unthinkable suffering, but also for the world at large.

As if to cement their reign of terror, the Taliban's supreme court recently sanctioned brutal execution methods. Their legitimization of these barbaric practices provides a glimpse into the horrifying realities of life under Taliban rule. A particularly disturbing example of their injustice was the freeing of Abdul Ghani Haqbeen, the Taliban's head of counterterrorism for Kandahar, who was charged with immorality.

With terrorist groups, actively waging war against the West and Central Asian nations, the world cannot afford to ignore the NRF or Ahmad Massoud's warnings. A victory for the NRF in Afghanistan would strike a powerful blow to global terrorism and would endow the people with invaluable gifts of freedom, democracy, and dignity. The international community must understand the severity of the situation unfolding in Afghanistan, rally behind the NRF and Ahmad Massoud, and extend support to the people of Afghanistan in their struggle against the Taliban and terrorism.

Ahmad Massoud's call to action is one we cannot afford to ignore. Carrying the torch of his father, he warns us of the perils of extremism and international terrorism that his father foresaw over two decades ago. Ignoring these warnings had a devastating cost, culminating in the tragic events of 9/11. The world cannot afford to make this mistake again.

The victory of the NRF in Afghanistan would send a powerful message to the global community and strike a crippling blow to international terrorism. It would also restore to the people the cherished values of freedom, democracy, and dignity. The international community at large has an obligation to our people, and to themselves, to assist us in our struggle for independence. Our collective efforts can uproot the underlying causes that fuel the emergence of terrorist groups within Afghanistan's borders.

Together, we can prevent history from repeating itself. Let us honour the legacy of Ahmad Shah Massoud, heed the call to action by his son Ahmad Massoud, and work diligently towards a free Afghanistan. By supporting the National Resistance Front of Afghanistan, we can help create a safer, more just, and more peaceful world, free from the tyranny of terrorism.


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