Call For Digital Resistance

Petitioning Twitter & Elon Musk to Ban the Taliban

July 13, 2023 - Social media platforms like Twitter have the power to connect us, to amplify voices that need to be heard, and to bring about social change. However, when these platforms are hijacked by violent extremist groups, the implications can be devastating.

Today, we stand in solidarity with Abdullah Khodadad, a citizen of Afghanistan now living in exile. He has initiated a petition on to Twitter and Elon Musk, calling for the banning of the Taliban and Haqqani Network from the platform.

We fully support this initiative and we urge you to add your voice to this vital cause.

The Taliban and Haqqani Network in particular have long histories of violence, oppression, and human rights abuses. They misuse Twitter to spread their extremist ideologies, recruit followers, and incite violence. Their presence on Twitter directly undermines the platform's core values of safety, inclusivity, and respect for human rights.

This petition is not only highlighting a serious issue but also proposing a solution. By banning these terror groups, Twitter can send a strong message against violence, terrorism, and the misuse of its platform.

Last year in July, Afghanistan International reported that thousands of users from across the globe rallied behind the #BanTaliban campaign with more than 40,000 tweets calling for Twitter to suspend Taliban's accounts. Chris Blackburn, a British political analyst, Habib Khan, an Afghan activist, and many others voiced their support for the campaign.

Further highlighting this issue, we have seen passionate protests taking place in major cities around the world organized by committed citizens and groups like United Afghanistan , Stand4NRF, in collaboration with our organization. Our press release details the scene and shares the heartfelt sentiments from the protestors at the demonstration on March 11, 2023, in front of Twitter Headquarters in San Francisco, London, and Stockholm.

But the fight continues.

On July 10, 2023, Ali Nazary, the NRF's head of foreign relations, called out the contradictions between the Haqqani faction's praise of Twitter's commitment to free speech, and their own suppressive and violent actions:

To help spread the word, we've created a Social Media Kit with visual designs and images that you can use to promote the #BanTaliban campaign and petition across various social platforms. Your support in this global movement is invaluable.

Let's leverage the power of social media for good, combating extremism and fostering a safer and more inclusive digital space. Together, we can contribute to the global efforts in countering extremism, protecting human rights, and creating a more peaceful digital environment.

Sign and share the petition today!


Kumayl Nazary is an entrepenuer and former CTO in the educational technology industry from Los Angeles California. He has been an activist for over a decade, dedicated to causes surrounding human rights advocacy in the MENAS region. In 2021, he became a founding member of SOS Afghanistan in order to help address the political and humanitarian crisis resulting from the government collapse, focusing on the evacuation of targeted groups.


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