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NRF Takes Down Senior Taliban Terrorist in Kunduz Province

July 6, 2023 - In yet another courageous display of resistance, the National Resistance Front of Afghanistan has leveled a powerful blow against the Taliban terrorists in Kunduz Province. As reported by Hasht e Subh Daily, the NRF carried out a successful operation that culminated in the assassination of Mawlawi Yaqoub, a prominent Taliban terrorist, marking a significant escalation in the anti-Taliban resistance nationwide.

The dawn of Wednesday, July 5, 2023, held more than the promise of a new day in the Aliabad district of Kunduz Province. It brought with it the death of Yaqoub, a "secret guerrilla" in the Taliban's intelligence network. His role wasn't limited to being a cog in the machine; Yaqoub led one of the intelligence departments in the Taliban terrorists' 217th Omari Corps in Kunduz.

According to Hasht e Subh Daily, Yaqoub left behind a legacy steeped in blood and dread. His involvement in the elimination of many former forces in the province carved a grim narrative of life under Taliban oppressive rule.

Furthermore, Najmuddin, another operative in the Taliban's intelligence arm, was injured in the assault. The aftermath saw the Taliban apprehending two local residents, accusing them of having a role in their commander's assassination.

The NRF's campaign against the Taliban is broadening. A day before Yaqoub met his end, they took down another Taliban operative inside a mosque in Kapisa district using a strategically placed hand mine.

These events underscore the swelling tide of resistance against the Taliban's oppressive rule. Despite the daunting path to freedom, the determination and defiance of those opposing the Taliban remain unbroken, casting a beacon of hope over a nation embroiled in conflict and repression.

- Ruhollah Qadirzada