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NRF’s Message on the Occasion of Eid al-Adha (English Translation)

June 27, 2023 - We extend our heartfelt wishes to all Muslims around the world and to the faithful and pious people of Afghanistan, including our brothers, sisters, and especially the families of the martyrs and our oppressed compatriots who are currently far away (in exile) from their dear countrymen and compatriots. We congratulate them and pray for the acceptance of their obedience and worship. We hope that our beloved people will spend the blessed days of Eid al-Adha in joy and happiness.

Furthermore, during these blessed days, we honor the souls of all the brave martyrs, including the martyrs from Afghanistan’s security forces and, in particular, the martyrs of the resistance forces. These courageous individuals selflessly fought against the Taliban terrorist group in various regions of our country, including Panjshir, Andarab, and Badakhshan, defending their homes, the honor of their people, and their cherished freedom. We pray for their eternal abode in heaven and extend our heartfelt condolences and sympathy to their bereaved families. May God grant them abundant reward.

Dear people of Afghanistan, the National Resistance Front was formed two years ago as a united front in response to the Taliban’s refusal to engage in a peaceful and inclusive government. We called for the establishment of a just and law-abiding system that would bring an end to ongoing wars and ensure lasting peace and stability. Regrettably, the Taliban chose to resort to arms and continue the war and bloodshed, under the direct guidance and orders of foreign entities, in an attempt to weaken the determination and will of our people and to maintain their oppressive rule.

At the outset, we sought to address the issue through dialogue and prevent the continuation of war and conflict. However, the Taliban, who gained power through a complex network of internal and external conspiracies, rejected logic and political rationality in favor of war and weapons. They disregarded the fact that ruling over a people who have fought for freedom and justice throughout history and have not submitted to any superpower cannot be achieved through force and denial of the objective realities of society.

The nearly two years of the Taliban’s rule have only confirmed our understanding of their violent and unyielding nature. Therefore, we once again call upon all free individuals, political groups, both within and outside our country, to unite and fulfill their historical responsibility towards our homeland, our oppressed people, and the present and future generations of our nation.

Recently, the treacherous Taliban have attempted to mobilize the Pakistani Taliban terrorist group in the northern and western regions of our country. This dangerous move not only threatens the peace and stability of Afghanistan but also poses a risk to the entire region. It demonstrates the Taliban’s support for and strengthening of like-minded terrorist groups. Moreover, their actions clearly amount to national betrayal, as they use the power and resources of the government without any legal basis. They give hope to our land’s enemies and to foreign entities.

What is even worse is that the Taliban, through their treacherous and criminal actions, which are instigated by external supporters, have given an ethnic coloration to their terrorism, fueling internal discord. This is despite the fact that all ethnic groups, including the noble Pashtuns, have not been spared from the brutality and uncivilized behavior of the Taliban, just like the rest.

Therefore, we urge the political and cultural elites of all ethnic groups, especially the Pashtuns in our country, to play their part in the campaign for justice. By exposing the xenophobic nature of the Taliban, we can work towards our shared and united future. Let us clarify the Taliban’s xenophobia, ensuring they are not allowed to continue terrorizing and oppressing our people under the guise of representing them. We must prevent the Taliban from sowing seeds of ethnic division that perpetuate bitterness and animosity across generations. Our goal is to build a society that rejects terror and fosters unity.

We also call upon the esteemed scholars who have played a significant role in the national liberation struggle over the past half-century to fulfill their religious duty. Stand against the violent mercenary group of the Taliban and ensure that this criminal group is not associated with our dear religion of Islam, which stands for peace, knowledge, compassion, and justice. Let us expose the Taliban’s violence, ignorance, cruelty, and injustice, preserving the true essence of Islam and rejecting any distortion.

We issue this message collectively as the National Resistance Front, representing the aspirations and determination of the people of Afghanistan. We remain steadfast in our commitment to defending our homeland, protecting our people’s rights, and working towards a just and inclusive society. May Eid al-Adha bring blessings, peace, and unity to all Muslims and the people of Afghanistan.

Our message to the international community has been unequivocal. Regrettably, due to various reasons, the countries in the region and the international community developed a misguided belief that the Taliban had reformed. Based on this belief, the transfer of power to the Taliban was facilitated, causing immense suffering for our people and undermining the hard-earned achievements of the past two decades during the republican era. These achievements came at the cost of the bloodshed of hundreds of thousands of Afghanistan’s security forces and thousands of international forces.

Today, it is no secret to any nation that the Taliban remains the same violent, primitive, and destructive group they were thirty years ago. The numerous reports from international institutions over the past two years about Afghanistan under Taliban rule convey a clear message: the Taliban have not only failed to improve, but they have worsened. They have become more violent, violating national and international laws and disregarding moral values. They have trampled upon human rights, confining women to their homes, denying them education, work, and basic social rights and freedoms. Women have been stripped of their citizenship.

Therefore, we demand from the international community to not only deny legitimacy to this terrorist group but also take more serious and practical measures to end the inhumane rule of the Taliban. With the support of the people’s forces, justice-seekers, civil society activists, women, and youth of Afghanistan, fulfill your humanitarian and moral duty towards a nation that has fought on the front lines against regional and global terrorism for over two decades. Thousands of our best young people and heroes, including prominent leaders of the Jihad and our peace martyrs, have sacrificed their lives for this cause.

We also call upon the people of Pakistan to understand the delicate historical conditions of the region and exert pressure on their government, which has ties to terrorism. They must take joint and coordinated actions with the self-proclaimed terrorist regime in Afghanistan and restrain the Pakistani Taliban terrorist group. The transfer of Pakistani Taliban to the northern and western regions of Afghanistan is a terrorist-intelligence conspiracy that poses grave risks to the security of the entire region. It ignites a fire that will not spare the people of Pakistan.

The nations of our region, with their ancient religious, cultural, and ethnic commonalities, must not allow certain circles to support terrorist groups using state resources. Such policies have dangerous consequences for all nations in the region, jeopardizing peace, stability, and peaceful coexistence among our people. They hinder progress and development for all.

The National Resistance Front adheres to a balanced and equitable foreign policy towards all neighboring countries. We expect Pakistan to respect and observe this foreign policy, which promotes good neighborly relations between our two nations.

Honorable compatriots!

The National Resistance Front, as stated at the beginning of our struggle, continues to fight for our rights and to end the tyrannical rule of the Taliban. We organize ourselves, mobilize various sectors of society, and unite and cooperate with political forces from all ethnic groups, religions, and political and intellectual currents. We remain committed in our belief that with the support of God and the people, this struggle will be victorious, bringing an end to these dark days. This is our determination, and it is God’s promise that cruelty and arrogance will not prevail.

The vigilant support of the people shortens the path of our struggle against oppression and tyranny.

“Success is from God.”

National Resistance Front of Afghanistan

Disclaimer: Please note that the following translation of the press release from the National Resistance Front of Afghanistan is provided by the team at @WeAreNRF and is not the official translation of the National Resistance Front. The original press release was issued in Farsi. We have made our best efforts to ensure an accurate and faithful translation for the convenience of English-speaking readers.