Fulfilling an Ethnocentric Agenda
In a recent alarming move, the Taliban's illegal regime deployed an overwhelming force of 13,000 morality police, exacerbating the dire situation for women and girls in Afghanistan. These morality officers patrol Kabul, enforcing regressive moral codes and detaining dozens for non-compliance. This crackdown not only violates basic human rights but instills a climate of fear and gender apartheid. Disturbing reports of abductions, assaults, and exploitation in Taliban prisons underline the urgency of this crisis. Despite Taliban claims of moderation, these actions speak louder, revealing a regime deeply entrenched in misogyny and ethnocentrism.
Confronting Gender Apartheid in Afghanistan: A Call for Decisive Action
The escalating gender apartheid in Afghanistan demands a decisive response. As the Taliban continues to inflict unthinkable suffering, the National Resistance Front of Afghanistan argues that only a robust resistance can restore peace and safeguard the fundamental rights of women in Afghanistan.