The National Resistance Front of Afghanistan’s Statement on the Fight for Freedom in Afghanistan

NRF Seal & Logo with Ahmad Massoud on the right and his father, the National Hero of Afghanistan, on the left.

August 14, 2023 - Earlier today, the National Resistance Front of Afghanistan released a powerful statement marking the second anniversary of their valiant struggle against the tyrannical rule of the Taliban terrorist group. In their statement, available below, they reflect on a journey marked by immense courage, unbreakable spirit, and the unwavering commitment of the people of Afghanistan.

The NRF’s message is more than a remembrance; it’s a rallying cry, a testament to the collective will of a nation determined to preserve its dignity, human honor, and the values that form the foundation of a humane society.

In their statement, the NRF outlines their efforts over the past two years, working tirelessly to create organized structures with extensive military, political, and cultural dimensions. They have united political, ethnic, and religious currents, expanded resistance across the country, and sounded necessary warnings about terrorism risks to international communities.

The crimes committed by the Taliban terrorists against the people of Afghanistan are laid bare. Beheadings, massacres, torture, and brutal suppression of civil freedoms are cataloged, exposing the true face of the Taliban terrorist group. The NRF condemns any interaction with this group as an affront to rational sanity and a betrayal of human rights standards.

The statement also highlights the importance of unity among the people of Afghanistan, acknowledging the inspiring and encouraging participation of the brave and fighting women of Afghanistan and the civil and cultural society of the country.

Inspired by divine promise, the NRF believes in the eventual and disgraceful defeat of the criminals who oppress their land. Their determination is emblematic of a nation’s spirit that refuses to be broken, a spirit that continues to resonate in the heart of every conscious human being.

We stand in full solidarity with their cause, supporting their righteous battle against the forces that continue to trample their freedom. The resistance continues, and so does the hope for a free and just Afghanistan!


Kumayl Nazary is an entrepenuer and former CTO in the educational technology industry from Los Angeles California. He has been an activist for over a decade, dedicated to causes surrounding human rights advocacy in the MENAS region. In 2021, he became a founding member of SOS Afghanistan in order to help address the political and humanitarian crisis resulting from the government collapse, focusing on the evacuation of targeted groups.


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