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The Taliban - A Proxy Force for Pakistan

The Taliban's proxy status must be recognized and addressed. Only then can Afghanistan move towards a stable and peaceful future.

In the documentary "America and Taliban," Samiullah Mohammadi, responsible for suicide attacks in the Haqqani network, revealed that the Pakistani military trained and instructed the Taliban to defeat the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan and kill Americans.

This statement confirms what has been known for years - the Taliban is a proxy force for Pakistan. Pakistan has long been indicted for supporting and sheltering the Taliban to pursue its strategic interests in the region.

The Taliban's actions and behavior in Afghanistan have always been aligned with Pakistan's interests. Pakistan has used the Taliban as a tool to influence Afghanistan's internal affairs, destabilize the country, and ensure that a friendly government is in place.

It is essential to understand the role of external actors, especially Pakistan, in shaping the dynamics of the conflict in Afghanistan. Pakistan, played a significant role in the weakening of the former Republic of Afghanistan and its eventual collapse.

The Taliban’s long-standing relationship with Pakistan, where they received training and shelter, has emboldened the group to continue its violence. It is crucial to address the root cause of the conflict and hold external actors accountable for their role in exacerbating the situation.

The international community must work towards a comprehensive strategy to address the power vacuum created by the fall of the government and ensure the protection of the human rights of the people, particularly women and minorities.

- Maher Saadat