U.S. House Armed Services Committee Chairman Demands Transparency and Accountability in White House Afghanistan Withdrawal Report

June 16, 2023 - Displaying steadfast commitment to his role, U.S. Representative Mike Rogers (R-AL), Chairman of the House Armed Services Committee, recently delivered a stinging critique to Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin. In his letter, Rogers underscored his concerns over the perceived opacity and accountability lapses from the Department of Defense in their classified After Action Review (AAR) of the Biden administration’s poorly-executed withdrawal from Afghanistan.

Through his articulate discourse, Chairman Rogers emphasized, “Multiple discrepancies have emerged from the classified AAR concerning the ill-fated withdrawal of U.S. Forces from Afghanistan, as detailed in my separate classified correspondence dated June 8, 2023. Your accompanying personal reflections, bundled as a classified memorandum to the AAR, unfortunately continue to propagate untruths and dodge accountability concerning the Biden Administration’s missteps during the Afghanistan withdrawal and the associated Non-Combatant Evacuation Operation (NEO).”

Staunchly confronting the issue, Rogers affirmed, “While it's understood that the chaos of war may inevitably lead to blunders and even tragedies, it's lamentable that a forthright assessment of the Biden Administration’s role in the catastrophic Afghanistan withdrawal remains conspicuously absent. As the Committee entrusted with oversight responsibilities, it falls to us to expose the root causes of this disaster and ensure we prevent such mishaps in the future.”

The Chairman’s full letter, a testament to his commitment to truth and accountability, can be accessed via the provided link here.

In his missive, Rogers requests Austin’s swift response to the questions raised in his classified letter. He further expresses dissatisfaction over the incompleteness of the AAR provided to the House, criticizing the lack of content as listed in the Table of Contents, including all endnotes and other appendices.

The Chairman additionally challenges the unexplained, substantial redaction in the classified report. Firm in his belief of transparency as a fundamental pillar for conducting efficient oversight, Rogers holds the Department accountable, hoping for an appropriately un-redacted version of the documents, and that any omissions were unintentional.

He concludes by setting a deadline of July 7, 2023, for the delivery of all documents associated with the AAR, as listed in the report’s Table of Contents.

Rogers’ efforts demonstrate the unwavering pursuit of accountability by the Committee on Armed Services, as outlined by House Rules, emphasizing the significance of proper oversight and comprehensive investigations into matters of national security.

The Committee on Armed Services Majority Staff stands ready to facilitate document delivery and address related inquiries, ensuring all concerns are duly attended.


Kumayl Nazary is an entrepenuer and former CTO in the educational technology industry from Los Angeles California. He has been an activist for over a decade, dedicated to causes surrounding human rights advocacy in the MENAS region. In 2021, he became a founding member of SOS Afghanistan in order to help address the political and humanitarian crisis resulting from the government collapse, focusing on the evacuation of targeted groups.


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