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Vive la résistance!

Critics who believe that the National Resistance Front of Afghanistan should have been able to liberate Afghanistan in a shorter period are not considering the complex and challenging nature of such movements.

The struggle for liberation and the nature of an armed insurgency require patience, perseverance and a shared vision for success, which takes time to develop.

The NRF has the opportunity to succeed but inevitably, needs more time. The history of successful liberation movements and insurgencies show that they often take years or even decades to achieve their goals.

Judging the NRF's ability to liberate Afghanistan based on a timeframe of 1.8 years is unrealistic and unfair.

For instance, the African National Congress (ANC) in South Africa fought against apartheid for several decades before finally achieving its objective of a democratic society in 1994.

The National Resistance Front of Afghanistan faces significant challenges in its efforts to liberate the country from Taliban control. The Taliban terrorists are repressive and their regime, an authoritarian one that has gained power through violent means, and continues victimising people to maintain their oppressive rule.

However, our people’s support for the NRF provides a critical advantage, as the people have suffered under Taliban rule and want to see an end to the violence and repression.

We must all unite to support the National Resistance Front of Afghanistan in their cause to free Afghanistan from these current occupiers.

Be patient.

Don’t comprise your values.

Stay on the right side of history and this too shall pass.

Vive la résistance!

- Maher Saadat