Honoring the Hindu Kush’s Valiant Defenders of Freedom: A Remarkable Memorial Service in Sydney

May 26, 2023 - In Islamic tradition, a 40th day memorial service holds a significant place as a solemn observance to honor and remember the departed 40 days after the deceased’s passing. On this day, family, friends, and community members come together to commemorate the life of the departed individual, offering prayers, reciting verses from the Quran, and engaging in acts of remembrance. It is a moment of reflection, where loved ones gather to pay tribute, seek solace, and seek blessings for the departed soul as they continue their journey in the afterlife.

Today, a remarkable event unfolded at the Granville community center in Sydney, Australia, bringing together fellow diaspora from all across Australia and even a few from around the globe. The Memorial service surpassed expectations, serving as a profound symbol of unity and resilience against adversity.

“Honoring the Hindu Kush’s Valiant Defenders of Freedom,” was more than a simple gathering; it was a profound symbol of unity and resilience against adversity.

The occasion served to honor the bravery of Afghanistan’s resistance forces, particularly the courageous General Akmal Ameer and his comrades, marking the 40th day since their martyrdom. The great turnout demonstrated the power of unity and shared purpose among our freedom-loving compatriots. An event organizer and youth activist, Sulaiman Ghalib expressed this message along with his deep gratitude for all the attendees participation in a tweet on behalf of all organizers.

A resounding message of unity echoed throughout the event, particularly from Commander Hamed Saifi, who, in a recorded message, emphasized the need for people to unite as the primary path towards triumph over the Taliban.

In her speech, Mitra Forough projected a future vision of a liberated Afghanistan as the homeland for all. "The liberated land of tomorrow will be the homeland of Afghanistan’s women, Andarabis, Akmals, Sohrabs, Faryabis, Khalids, and Saifis," she said. "The sole secret to our people's victory against the Taliban's repression and occupation lies in forming alliances."

Islamic scholar and guest speaker Seyed Ahmad Zaki Housaini resonated with this sentiment, pointing out the harsh reality of the Taliban's nature. He declared without ambiguity, "The Taliban are a terrorist group, and the people’s resistance against the Taliban is a justified and noble resistance."

“Honoring the Hindu Kush’s Valiant Defenders of Freedom,” organized with such poise and determination, reiterated the strength and resilience of the people of Afghanistan in the face of trials. The words spoken and the emotions shared at the memorial continue to resonate as a clarion call for unity, resistance, and steadfast hope in the pursuit of a free and peaceful Afghanistan.


Kumayl Nazary is an entrepenuer and former CTO in the educational technology industry from Los Angeles California. He has been an activist for over a decade, dedicated to causes surrounding human rights advocacy in the MENAS region. In 2021, he became a founding member of SOS Afghanistan in order to help address the political and humanitarian crisis resulting from the government collapse, focusing on the evacuation of targeted groups.


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