Afghanistan: A Growing Haven for Terrorist Cells

Illustration on Afghanistan terrorists by Linas Garsys/The Washington Times

May 24, 2023 - Afghanistan is currently grappling with a proliferation of terrorist cells. The disastrous Doha agreement and the chaotic withdrawal of US and NATO forces in August 2021 have transformed the country into a haven for international terrorism.

In an op-ed for The Washington Times, Executive Director of the Special Operations Association of America, David Cook, and Ali Nazary, head of foreign relations for the National Resistance Front (NRF) of Afghanistan, uncover the escalating danger post-2021 and the pressing need to support the NRF in their fight for freedom.

Contrary to the Taliban's claims of severing ties with terrorist organizations, they have instead embraced these groups, including the infiltration of ISIS within their ranks and since August 2021, over 20 terrorist groups have established bases in Afghanistan, attracting thousands of fighters from various regions in South, Central, and Western Asia.

As the sole opposition to the Taliban and extremist factions in Afghanistan, the NRF, under the leadership of Commander Ahmad Massoud, plays a crucial role. Despite operating without external support since August 2021, the NRF has displayed remarkable determination and competence on the battlefield, expanding their forces into neighboring regions. By supporting the NRF, we collectively stand against those responsible for the September 2001 attacks on the United States and advocate for freedom and stability in Afghanistan.

Read the full op-ed in The Washington Times to gain a deeper insight into the situation at hand


Kumayl Nazary is an entrepenuer and former CTO in the educational technology industry from Los Angeles California. He has been an activist for over a decade, dedicated to causes surrounding human rights advocacy in the MENAS region. In 2021, he became a founding member of SOS Afghanistan in order to help address the political and humanitarian crisis resulting from the government collapse, focusing on the evacuation of targeted groups.


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